
Ideas for modern home decor: instagram of the week


"My ideal is simple and affordable DIY projects that change the environment, making it more positive," says Francesca.

About the page author

The heroine of our column today is Francesca Stone. “Having received a diploma in textile design, I started working in a needlework store in my native Birmingham,” she says. “I learned a lot from this job, and just at that time I started blogging, sharing new knowledge and ideas in the field of needlework. Unfortunately, that store is gone, but my love of making things with my own hands is still strong! Since 2013, I have been giving all my free time to my blog. "

How to make new from old: instagram of the week

Home decor and toys from a passionate needlewoman: instagram of the week

What is this page about

Francesca and her family moved to a new home not so long ago, and since then she has been happy to decorate it and make it more convenient, sharing her ideas and works on Instagram. “I love needlework, and I love it even more when the result is beautiful, useful, plus it turns out to be a trend. My ideal is simple and affordable DIY projects that change the environment, making it more positive,” she says. On Francesca's page, you can find many ideas for decorating your home - from decor items or life hacks to simple furniture that can be made or improved with your own hands.Francesca paints dishes, decorates with fabric patterns, invents and implements interesting jewelry - jewelry and home decor, makes lampshades, lamps, shelves, rugs, pillows, gifts, accessories, panels ... Her house is joyful, bright and filled with comfort, and the projects are really simple in execution, beautiful and original.

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Who will be interested in this page

If you love needlework and you like to decorate your own home with hand-made objects, check out Francesca’s page. Most of all, her account will appeal to fans of the Scandinavian style and modern design, but many ideas are quite universal and can be embodied in different styles and options.

More photos - @fallfordiy
