
How to organize fabric storage using labels


Any fabric requires not only careful handling, but also storage. We bring to your attention a little trick that will simplify the process of organizing stocks!

We have already talked about various methods of storing fabric earlier, so you can easily choose the most suitable for you. But if you store supplies in boxes, crates, or bags, you can refine this process with a little trick.

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You will need shortcuts for this. They can be ordered online or printed and cut out templates. You can download one of the template options here.

Print and cut the template.

On the first line you can write the name of the fabric, and also, if desired, add information about the composition of the fabric. Next, you can specify the length and width of the cut, while the length should be written with a pencil, so that you can easily change the number if you still have a cut after work. Use a hole punch to make a hole in the labels.

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A small square of fabric is also glued to the label. If you number your storage boxes, you can write on the labels the number of the corresponding box, box or package. This option is convenient in that you can store labels separately in bundles and select the desired fabric from the entire bundle by viewing all available samples.

But if you do not want to number the boxes, you can simply fix the corresponding labels on the desired box to immediately see what is stored in it.

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Photo: colettehq
