
The best thing about sewing is the opportunity to be unique: instagram of the week


“During the day, I am an anesthetist, and at night I am a seamstress,” says our heroine, admitting that thoughts about sewing, patterns and fabrics do not leave her all day.

About the page author

Our heroine today is Victoria. “During the day, I am an anesthetist, and at night I am a seamstress,” Victoria says, admitting that during the day, thoughts about sewing projects, choosing patterns and fabrics do not leave her.

So, however, it was not always. Despite the fact that mother and grandmother taught Victoria how to sew in childhood, for a long time she did not think about creating clothes with her own hands. The first projects were dresses for the daughter of Victoria, Emma. Children's dresses went well, and Victoria decided to sew something for herself. “It was a complete failure,” she admits, recalling that experience. Now, according to the heroine, she understands what changes need to be made to the pattern so that the thing fits well on her not the most standard figure - “a long torso, a small chest, rather wide hips”. “My figure cannot be called perfectly proportional - but almost no one has such!” - says Victoria, who now sews for herself, learning to take into account all her features.

Attention - Details: instagram of the week

What is this page about

Victoria sews interesting and beautiful clothes. There are simple concise things, and original ones - this applies to the cut, and the choice of fabrics, and the selection of sets. “I think the best thing for me in sewing is the opportunity to be unique,” ​​Victoria admits.“If you think about it, the possibilities are truly endless.”

I can create everything I can think of: instagram of the week

Who will be interested in this page

If you like to sew and wear simple, but interesting and unusual things, we recommend you the Victoria page. Her style is feminine, sometimes with a touch of retro or romance, sometimes - close to modern smart casual. Most often, these things and combinations are not overloaded with unnecessary details, while they are original - if you like this, you will probably draw ideas on this page and find inspiration for yourself.

Interesting things and ideas for remaking clothes: instagram of the week

More photos: @victorialucilleanne
