


Autumn and winter is the traditional time for exacerbation of diseases of the upper respiratory tract (ENT diseases). Fever, headache, sensation of body aches, cough, nasal congestion ...

These symptoms are well known to everyone who has at least once encountered the flu or SARS. Unfortunately, many are forced to endure these diseases on their feet, and as a result bacterial complications begin - such as bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis ... How to effectively and safely cure complications of ENT diseases, says an expert: Head of the Department of Pharmacology, RNIMU them. N.I. Pirogova professor Kozlov Ivan Genrikhovich.
Problem of choice
There are various drugs for the treatment of ENT diseases, however, some of them have side effects, others negatively affect the immune system, others cannot be taken by children, and others are not suitable because you are not a proponent of “chemistry” ... What to choose for effective and safe treatment of bacterial infections?

Modern medicine offers antibacterial agents, the action of which not only destroys the causative agents of ENT diseases, but also helps to activate the response of the immune system - bacteriophages. In nature, they maintain the balance of bacteria, preventing populations from growing too much.Biotechnologists use bacteriophages to create drugs that destroy pathogens without harming the body.
How do they do it?
Bacteriophages penetrate bacteria, multiply in them and destroy the outer shell. Inside the bacterium, they multiply rapidly, and when the bacterium dies, then on its "remains" is not one phage, but several dozen. This overgrown army continues to attack bacteria until they are completely destroyed. Then bacteriophages are excreted from the human body with urine.
Since they target bacteria only, they have no side effects. You can take such drugs for pregnant women, and children, including infants, and the elderly. No negative interaction of bacteriophages with other drugs has been identified, on the contrary, the work of some of them can even be enhanced.
Forewarned is forearmed
If you are afraid that the disease may be delayed, then taking bacteriophages will help to avoid unpleasant complications. In this case, the best option would be a multivalent drug that contains several bacteriophages.
For example, "Sextafag®", which is produced by the Russian company FSUE NPO Microgen of the Ministry of Health of Russia, contains six active components. The bacteriophages that make up its composition, fight with ENT infections, as well as infections of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, urinary tract. Reception "Sextastagus®"prevents purulent-inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose and respiratory tract due to the content of bacteriophages to the six main pathogens that cause ENT pathology.
The wide spectrum of action of the multivalent drug helps provide protection.
How right?
In most cases, bacteriophages are prescribed for oral administration, but not only. For the treatment and prevention of ENT diseases, you can instill the drug in the nose, rinse, rinse and irrigate the tonsils, make turunds with a medicinal solution (leaving them for an hour), inject them into the ear canal.
Bacteriophages are allowed for use even in infants (including premature infants). In this case, you can give the baby an enema or mix a bacteriophage with breast milk.
The high efficiency of bacteriophages and the almost complete absence of side effects explain the growing interest in them. To ensure recovery and maintain health - this is the main principle of the work of these natural fighters with bacteria, which are now in the service of humans.

You can learn more about Bacteriophages by calling the “Winter without infection” hotline: 8 800 200 22 88 and on the website

Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
