
What is a t-shirt?


So in English is called a T-shirt, and at the same time a light pullover, which once could be found only in a men's wardrobe.

Now every fashionista has them, since they do not constrain movements at all, perfectly hide the imperfections of her figure, and they can be worn in a feast and in the world!

Some for sports, others for work, others for walks and so on ...

When you look at the wardrobe of any modern woman, it immediately becomes clear that a T-shirt and a thin pullover are among your favorite things.

They can be tight and wide, long and short, exactly in shape and five sizes larger.

Ordinary story

A model called T-shirt came into fashion, as often happens, by accident. Until the end of the 19th century, it was just a men's undershirt. The heat from which the soldiers suffered during the Spanish-American War prompted them to the revolutionary idea of ​​using a lower shirt as outer clothing, which proved to be very convenient.

Tribute to sex appeal

They started talking about the T-shirt after Marlon Brando made a splash in the famous Desire Tram in 1951 in a tight, sweat-tattered shirt, after which every man who wanted to seem like a cool non-conformist considered it his duty to wear white T-shirt under a leather jacket.

Brando's example was followed by the sex symbol of America Marilyn Monroe, after which other women discovered the attractive power of pullover t-shirts.

New take off

They experienced a new take-off of their fashion career in the 80s.Bright, with catchy prints, without collars, as a rule, very large sizes - they reigned in the wardrobes of both men and women. The latter preferred to wear wide T-shirt with skinny jeans-pipes, leggings or small shorts.

At the same time, T-shirt learned to ... speak! English designer Katherine Hamnett released the first models with mottos ranging from Choose Life to protest suicide and drug addiction to political slogans. So, at a meeting with the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Katherine herself unequivocally expressed her attitude to the deployment of Pershing missiles in Britain: on her T-shirt was written "58% against Pershing."

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And a quarter of a century later, stars such as Naomi Campbell willingly wear models by Katherine Hamnett and, of course, similar products of their favorite companies. After all, Chanel and Nike do not miss the opportunity to once again advertise themselves on this universal item of clothing.

And this is not surprising, since T-shirt is everywhere today - in any color, shape and size!
